Venture forth on a harrowing mission to reclaim the Apremort Diamond and escape the cursed castle.
The Game heading on the RaSNIA:FEAR

Immerse yourself in the terrifying world in this thrilling adventure game. Dive into a thrilling single-player walkthrough that's open to VR and mobile users, and brace yourself for an adventure that might require a change of underwear. Step into the virtual realm of RaSNIA:FEAR, and participate in a VR multiplayer experience, where you can explore the mysterious castle, seeking hidden treasures and various in-game items. Where spine-tingling scares await as you compete to find the Apremort Diamond and escape the cursed castle! But beware, as you must escape before both the castle and other players attempt to snatch your hard-earned loot.

The Lore heading on RaSNIA:FEAR in the RFOX VALT metaverse

The lands of Rasnia were once the most fertile of all the known world. The Rasnians were a peaceful group of people who lived off the land which was precious in resources.

They were blessed with an abundance of water, perfect soil for crops and were surrounded by mines rich in Diamonds.

For 600 years the Rasnians have learned to be as one with the land, built opulent housing near to the waterfront and at the foot of the great mountains, known as the Motashu Mountains. The city was surrounded by walls to keep the dangers of those seeking the precious diamonds out. The locals both respected and feared the forest on the other side of the mountains and never dared venture into them, as there were many accounts of the early Rasnians going missing when exploring.

The local ape population, known as the Konchima, have always been friendly to the Rasnians, share the common land and dare never venture into the forest.

The pride of the Rasnians collection and wealth was the Apremort Diamond weighing in at 5000 carats and 2 pounds in weight. It has stood as a monument in the middle of the city for 200 years and the locals believe it is a great source of power that can potentially allow spirits to fly. There is almost no time at day or night that you won’t see someone praying to the Diamond and asking for safe passage between this world to the next. Those that are caught between the worlds are thought to take the shape of Gargoyles and will haunt the forest for all of eternity, trapped in the depth of its thick trees and unable to pass to the next world.

The Rasnians have always believed in curses and spells and believe the world strikes a balance to grant them great wealth, by providing fewer females to continue their bloodlines and a high rate of infant mortality for the women that are born in each hundred babies.

Women are considered sacred, and they are known to be healers. The older healers have the power to use magic, and many seek their help to prey for those near death, in the hope they can also help their loved ones pass to the new world with ease. However, some of the Rasnians believe they are not aiding and rather causing their loved ones to be stuck as Gargoyles in the forest and an uprising against certain healers began to form, where they were accused of being witches. In time the animosity became so great that the older healers began to fear for their lives and hated the rest of the Rasnians so much they fled for the forest one night in a small group, taking with them the Apremort Diamond.

Now the Rasnians must muster the power to go deep into the forest and retrieve their precious diamond before its too late.

The Apremort Diamond in the RaSNIA:FEAR castle of the RFOX VALT metaverse
Denizens heroes and characters of RaSNIA:FEAR in the RFOX VALT metaverse
Hunter Denizens character for RaSNIA:FEAR in the RFOX VALT metaverse

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